7 Amazing Health Benefits of Farting

People these days are completely absorbed by acceptable and unacceptable social behaviors.  Most people would never spit, litter, or yell in public, for instance, because it is considered rude.

Then, there is flatulence, commonly known as farting.  Most people view it as gross and is considered social no-no.   However, farting is a natural bodily function and completely necessary for many health reasons.  Passing gas is a vital part of digestion, when the gut needs to break down foods and remove by-products.

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Farting
“Although hydrogen sulfide is well known as a pungent, foul-smelling gas in rotten eggs and flatulence, it is naturally produced by the body and could in fact be in a healthcare hero with significant implications for future therapies for a variety of reasons.” – Dr. Mark Wood, Professor and Researcher at University of Exeter (UK) Medical School

1. It is good for the colon
Holding any type of bodily reaction is bad for health, whether it is gas, bowel movement, or urine.  People with digestive issues should take into consideration the fact that holding in body`s attempt to rid of byproducts is dangerous.

2. It helps bloating
Feeling bloated is really uncomfortable. It is experienced shortly after a meal, especially a large one.  Bloating can also be a sign of a build of gas which needs to be release.  Although the buildup of such gas is not harmful, it does bring much discomfort.   This is where farting can immediately lessen any bloating and symptoms associated with it.

3. The smell is actually healthy
As strange as it seems, again, it is a natural and healthy benefit of passing gas.  When we fart, we release a small amount of hydrogen sulfide,  which may be helpful in preventing future illnesses.  Studies show that this element may also protect against stroke and heart attack.

4. It means both a healthy gut and bacteria composition
According to Purna Kashyap, a doctor of gastroenterology at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, “Eating foods that cause gas is the only way for the microbes in the gut to get nutrients. If we didn’t feed them carbohydrates, it would be harder for them to live in our gut.”

The foods that Dr. Kashyap is recommending include those high in fiber, such as kale, broccoli, cabbage, lentils, and beans.

5. It can help with a balanced diet
The gas we pass may indicate the type of foods our stomach needs as well as foods that we may be eating excess of.  For instance, when our diet lacks fiber, we rarely pass gas. When eating too much meat, our gas may give off a bad odor, suggesting that we need to limit our meat intake.

6. It`s instant relief
Gas accumulation, stomach pains, and bloating can all be relieved or reduced by passing gas.  The next you feel an urge to let one loose, go ahead!

7. It can serve as a health alarm
This one is probably the most important benefit of farting.  Farts` characteristics can help predict health issues, experts suggest.  Unhealthy characteristics of farts include an increasing frequency,  pains when farting, and extreme odors.