Tamarind Detoxes Fluoride From The Brain – Clear The Mind AND Pineal Gland

A recent study has shown promising results that tamarind consumption can serve as a natural fluoride detox.

Excess fluoride can have a harmful impact on the human brain. The chances of being exposed to this chemical are high because it has become common-place in today’s world.

This chemical is added to the public water in the US. Plus, most toothpaste possesses fluoride. The human body does react quickly to it with overexposure resulting in a negative effect on both physical and mental health.

Fluoride is harmful to the brain

Fluoride, a by-product of the aluminum industry, accumulates in our bodies and ultimately our brains.

It is been shown that accumulation of fluoride can cause serious neurological damage. Researchers from Harvard University conducted a study after having doubts over the safety of fluoride in our drinking water to our children’s health.

According to the study:

“Children in high-fluoride areas had significantly lower IQ scores than those who lived in low-fluoride areas, supporting the adverse effect of high fluoride exposure on children’s neurodevelopment.”

The pineal gland health and fluoride

High fluoride exposure can also have a harmful effect on pineal gland health. In addition, the pineal gland is found between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. It plays a role in creating melatonin that helps maintain the sleep body’s sleep cycle.

The pineal gland also helps produce female reproductive hormones and protect the body from aging and cell damage.

According to the National Research Council, fluoride could reduce the production of melatonin and have many other harmful effects on normal pineal gland function, thus resulting in various health issues.

How to protect yourself from fluoride poisoning using tamarind

As we have already mentioned, tamarind consumption could help remove fluoride from the body.

Great improvements in lipid and carbohydrate profiles occurred as evidenced by reduced lipid and plasma glucose levels, lipid peroxidation, elevated hepatic glycogen content, cholesterol excretion and hexokinase activity, with simultaneous improvement in antioxidant profiles of renal and hepatic tissues.

Tamarind dramatically elevates the excretion of fluoride through urine.

The good news is that you can consume tamarind in various ways. You should make a tamarind fluoride detox tea for best results.

Tamarind tea recipe

Take 4 cups of purified water and 2 tamarind pods
Take a pan and add water. Put the tamarind in the water and boil it. Simmer the heat and keep on boiling it for 15-20 minutes until the pods become soft.
After this, remove the pod covers.
Put the tamarind without the shells into the water again.
Strain the pulp and the tamarind water.
Drink it hot like tea and feel the immediate fluoride cleansing benefits!