15 Alkaline Foods That Prevent Obesity, Cancer, and Heart Disease

If you’re trying to lose weight and prevent obesity you’ve probably wondered what foods have more calories than others. However, did you know that there are foods that you can eat as much as possible without getting fat even when you are on a strict diet? These foods are rich in fiber and nutrients that fill you without unnecessary calories.

These are 15 alkaline foods that you can eat a lot without worrying about getting fat. However, this is not enough, you should also follow a healthy diet plan if you want to lose weight.

1. Eggs

You can eat eggs at any time of the day, however, only hard-boiled and not fried eggs.

2. Salad

A lettuce leaf contains only 3 calories, so a salad is always a good option for refreshments.

3. Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage

Although they are low in calories, cauliflower and cabbage cut into cubes should be eaten a couple of times a week because they could alter iodine levels.

4. Berries

The currant and blueberries are rich in vitamin C, strawberries favor a healthy heart and proper digestion and currant also fights edema and works as a diuretic.

5. Apple and plum

100 grams of apple contain 50 calories and 100 grams of only 45 plums Prunes are excellent for a healthy cardiovascular system because they are rich in potassium and vitamin C, while apples promote digestion and satiety.

6. Pineapple

If you want to lose weight you should definitely include pineapples in your diet because they are rich in bromelain, a compound that promotes fat burning.

7. Zucchini

Zucchini regulate the water-salt ratio in the body, decrease energy after a large meal and also promote intestinal health. The average portion of zucchini contains only 42 calories.

8. Beet

Beets regulate blood sugar levels, strengthen muscles and also promote fat burning. A piece of beetroot contains about 40 calories.

9. Cucumbers

Cucumbers are very moisturizing because they are made of over 90% of water. They also fight swelling and are perfect for maintaining a healthy body weight.

10. Orange, mandarin and grapefruit

Some fruits should not be consumed in large quantities, however, these three are not in those fruits. Citrus fruits promote digestion, liver function and satiety thanks to the high content of fibers, flavonoids and vitamin C.

11. Popcorn

An average portion of popcorn contains only 31 calories, so if you do not add sugar or butter you can eat as much as you want.

12. Eggplant

Eating grilled eggplants without oil provides only 24 calories.

13. Celery

Stalks of celery promote weight loss and act as diuretics because they are made of 95% water.

14. Bananas

If you want to lose weight, it is better to add bananas to your daily diet. This fruit balances blood sugar levels, protects the heart and improves digestion.

Furthermore, it is rich in fibers and nutrients such as potassium, manganese, B vitamins and magnesium.

15. Melon

The melon will remove toxins from your body and at the same time will keep it hydrated. What makes it a higher alkaline food is its pH value that is around 8.5.

The water content of this fruit is very high, which is why it is a good example of alkaline food.