Our body can be heavily damaged by the processed foods, particularly the fast food. The organ that suffers most is the liver.

This is why it is necessary for everyone to make detoxification from time to time. Detoxification will allow your liver to work efficiently as it always should.

If your liver doesn’t work properly, it will impact other organs in your body which will result with many disarrays and ailments.

Here are some drinks, which will help you to detox your liver and remove the fat and toxins from your body.

aaaaa The Multicolor Drink
½ a lemon
One bell pepper
One apple
One mid-sized cucumber
Make a juice from the ingredients and drink this potion while it is fresh in order to gain the health benefits from the antioxidants.

If you consume 2-3 glasses daily, your liver will be improved and the toxins ejected. You will also improve your overall health and energy reserves.

Green Tea Citrus Flavor
Half a lemon-juiced
One banana
Half a cup of green tea (while it is cold)
The EGCG-potent extract of green tea is able to detoxify the organism very fast.

Turmeric Liver Cleansing Drink
Half a cup of water
½ a teaspoon of turmeric
A little bit of ginger
A juice from one lemon
This drink will purify your liver and remove the toxins from the bowel. It will also keep you safe from gallstones.