10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Dandelion Roots

Dandelion is a weed belonging to the family of asteraceae. It is not just a weed that competes for the nutrients but provides a lot of health benefits. The special feature of this weed includes that both the leaves and the roots have exceptional medicinal values. The roots of this weed have become so popular that you can find dandelion root capsules made available that can treat several health conditions.

Some Of The Amazing Benefits Of Dandelion Root Are Mentioned Below:

Powerful Anti-oxidant
Dandelion tea has antioxidants that help in increasing the immunity of the body against foreign bodies that try to enter and destroy the normal functioning of the body. Consumption of these roots on a regular basis will help you in staying away from infections.

Improves Digestion
Dandelion root contains dietary fibers that help in improving the digestion process. It also has the ability to stimulate the bile juice secreted by the liver that will help in the release of energy from the food. Regular intake of these roots will help in treating constipation and other digestive problems.

Cures Liver Diseases
Dandelion roots contain chemicals like luteolin which act as antioxidants. They help in monitoring proper function of the liver and also stimulate the secretion of bile juice that keeps the liver healthy. Regular consumption of these roots will protect the liver from hemorrhage and other disorders.

The consumption of dandelion roots on a regular basis can help clear the toxins in the body. This detoxification will help the body regain its ability to monitor the performance of various systems of the body.

Prevents Or Lowers Blood-pressure
It is medically proven that proper urination can help in treating blood-pressure. Dandelion root increases the excretion of urine so that it can effectively lower the blood pressure. Also the high potassium levels in the root can help in maintaining proper sodium levels so that the blood-pressure doesn’t increase beyond the limit.

Cures Cancer
Dandelion root is rich in anti-oxidants that prevent the formation of free radicals. Free radicals are considered as a major reason for cancer. They damage the DNA of the cell leading to cancer. These anti-oxidants present in the root help in completely eliminating the free radicals from the body before they cause the damage.

Weight Loss
Dandelion root has a property of promoting frequent urination. This helps in the reduction of water weight of the body. Also the calorie content of this root is very less therefore it can be consumed when following a diet plan as it keeps you full without adding many calories. Thus intake of the dandelion root can promote weight loss.

Reduces Cholesterol
The fiber content present in the dandelion roots can reduce the bad cholesterol in the blood and promote the good cholesterol which can help in preventing several bad effects of cholesterol. It also helps in clearing the clogged blood vessels that will ensure proper blood flow.

Maintains Bone Health
Dandelion roots play an important role in maintain bone health. These roots being a great source of calcium that is necessary for the formation and maintenance of bones help in maintain the bone density. Decreased bone density can lead to several issues such as fragile bones and osteoporosis.

Dandelion roots have the capacity of effectively treating this medical condition in a more normal and safe procedure. Insulin is the hormone released by pancreas that is responsible for maintaining the blood-sugar levels. These roots can stimulate the secretion of insulin so that proper sugar levels are maintained in the blood. Also dandelion roots promote frequent urination that helps in decreasing the sugar levels in the body.