THIS Super Food Promotes Weight Loss And Balances Hormones

Everyone consider avocados as super food. They are simply packed with antioxidants, healthy fats, minerals and vitamins. These elements make them an important staple to our everyday diet. Whether we eat them for breakfast, lunch, dinner or we simply mash them into a very delicious guacamole snack, there are six very important or vital reasons why we need to consume avocados:

This Fruit Improves Heart Health
Avocados represent super food that is able to balance blood lipids. They have this power due to the fatty acids they contain. 71% monounsaturated fatty acids, 16% saturated fatty acids and 13% polyunsaturated fatty acids make the “content” of this magical fruit. Diets that contain a high amount of healthy fats can prevent the hardening of the arteries.

Avocados Promote Healthy Hair, Skin And Eyes
Thanks to the fat-soluble vitamins and the monounsaturated fats that avocados have, they help promote clear eyes, glowing skin and shiny hair. One of nature’s best moisturizer is the avocado. It contains the element called lutein. It is a carotenoid that preserves youthful looking skin, protects eye health and healthy hair.

Avocados Help Fight Cancer
The Journal of Nutrition and Cancer published a study and found that the phytochemicals in avocados are powerful enough to prevent the use of chemotherapy in people suffering from oral cancer. Further research and studies showed that the phytochemicals actually help “obstruct” or inhibit cancer cell growth. Avocados contain carotenoid antioxidants which are also beneficial for preventing skin cancer.

This Super Food Helps Weight Loss Process
Diets high in healthy fats and low in carbohydrates have been shown to accelerate the process of weight loss. Avocados increase satiety hormones. This means that we feel fuller longer period of time and also helps reduce overeating. The monounsaturated fatty acids also help reduce sugar addiction. This can help a lot in weight loss.

Digestive Health Promotion
High-fiber foods are crucial for our healthy digestive tract. One avocado contains around 11-17 gr. of fiber! Fiver helps decrease unhealthy bacteria and increase healthy bacteria in the gut. This is very important if we want to fight digestive problems.

Avocados Balance Hormone Levels
The key part of regulating the central nervous system functions is the fatty acids in avocados. They are naturally balancing hormone levels for better mood, clearer cognitive function and increased fertility. Monounsaturated fatty acids in avocados, may help lower anxiety, depression and other mental disorder risks.