Liver Diseases Symptoms And Incredible Natural Treatments

Liver diseases symptoms include, for example, dark urine, jaundice and a susceptibility to bruising. There are over 100 different types of liver diseases. Every year they affect millions of people in the United States. Poor diet, drinking excess alcohol and being obese can cause liver disease. Liver disease symptoms may also include swelling in the legs and ankles.  Natural treatment methods can help patients heal the liver and better manage their symptoms.

Nonalcoholic Liver Diseases Types
Nonalcoholic fatty liver: When fat builds up in the liver occurs this type of liver disease. But there aren’t necessarily any complications. One study found that nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is present in 18-33% of Americans.
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: This type of liver disease occurs in a small number of people with fatty liver. The fat leads to inflammation in the liver, which in fact impairs the liver’s ability to function. This type leads to cirrhosis.
Nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases -associated cirrhosis: when liver inflammation causes the liver tissue to scar occurs this type of liver disease. It makes the liver heavier than any other solid organ in our The scarring can become so severe that it leads to liver failure

Liver Diseases Symptoms
Loss of appetite
Weight loss
Trouble concentrating
Enlarged liver
Dark urine
Bloating and gas
Bruising easily
Excessive sweating
Pale or dark-colored stool
Dry and dark patches on neck and under arms
Swelling the legs and ankles
Liver Disease Causes and Risk Factors
Viral hepatitis
Fast weight loss
Autoimmune or inherited liver disease
High cholesterol
Gastric bypass surgery
High levels of triglycerides in the blood
Type 2 diabetes
Sleep apnea
Metabolic syndrome
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Underactive thyroid
Underactive pituitary gland

Liver Disease Treatment
Liver Diseases Diet
Despite the strong connotation, alcohol isn’t actually the only food or drink that can lead to liver disease. Liver disease can be caused by anything that cannot be broken down and used for immediate energy, which ends up in the liver for detoxification. For example, overindulging in problem foods can put a strain on the liver and lead to dangerous buildup.

Foods that can harm the liver include:
Sugary drinks
High-carbohydrate foods
Processed foods
Fill your diet with liver-friendly food in order to help prevent liver disease symptoms and heal an overworked liver. This includes nutrient-dense foods that do not contain processed sugars, toxins or dangerous ingredients. High-quality organic vegetables and fruits can help reduce the strain on your liver and support the detox process. Yes, your liver is built to detox on its own. However, just take a look at all the foods we tend to consume on a daily basis. We’re poisoning our bodies! That’s the reality. No wonder our livers need help from us! Eat foods that promote the detoxification process.  There are so many delicious foods you can “use” into your diet that will help cleanse the liver!