Avoid Energy Drinks! Here is What Happens to Your Heart

Why we should all avoid drinking energy drinks? Caffeine boosts mental alertness, relieves headaches and even aids in the treatment of diabetes and asthma. But, it may have a disastrous effect when added to products filled with artificial sweeteners, toxins, stimulants and other additives.

Studies have shown that this combo has a detrimental effect on cardiovascular health, and may even cause heart attack.

After consuming Red Bull on a daily basis Cory Terry, 33, died. His mother, Patricia Terry, decided to share the story with the rest of the world. Cory was an active young man who didn’t smoke any cigarettes. But, “he drank that stuff all the time. He said it perked him up.”

According to a study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, energy drinks have a destructive effect in people with cardiovascular issues, suggesting that even healthy people can experience the same problem.

A trial based on 15 individuals showed that within 4 hours after consumption, energy drinks increase blood pressure by 8%. At the end of the week, participants had their blood pressure increased by 10%.

They took 500ml (2 cans) of unidentified energy drinks every day for entire week.
This increases the risk of heart attack. Hypertension damages arteries and leads to dangerous clots and stroke.

Red Bull is packed with stimulants (caffeine and taurine), sugar and a few B vitamins. The lack of scientific research only makes the problem even worse.

Another similar study analyzed the effect of energy drinks in participants before and after their workout. 13 individuals did endurance training, 3 times a day. Before every training they took Red Bull. They also had a similar drink that didn’t contain any taurine, and a placebo without stimulants.

It was confirmed that Red Bull is the only drink that affects stroke volume or the amount of blood pumped through the heart.

Should we say something else? Red Bull is the last thing you should ever drink. It contains a deadly combination of stimulants. Of course, when taken separately, these aren’t dangerous.

Energy drinks harm our health, and we suggest that you stay away from them. If you need an energy kick drink plenty of water and one or two cups of coffee.