If you are a smoker longer than 5 years, this drug will cleanse your lungs!

Smoking is one of the worst and most damaging habits that a person can have. Smoking can harm almost every organ in the human body, yet in our country is quite widespread and popular. Smoking is primarily harmful to the lungs and is the main reason for developing cancer. Also, it can freely say that smoking can cause lung and other chronic diseases such as bronchitis and asthma.

According to some experts, key to clear the lungs if you are a smoker you need to consume this home and natural beverage. This drink is particularly useful and effective in those who smoke more than 5 years.


2 tsp turmeric

1 small piece of ginger root

2 liters of water

400 g. garlic, cleaned and chopped in small pieces

400 g. sugar, preferably yellow


Put the water in a dish of medium size and let it boil. Then add the sugar. Once it boils add the remaining ingredients. Boil on low heat for about 5 minutes. Then, remove from fire and allow to cool at room temperature. Then put the drink in refrigerate.

How to use:

Consume it in the morning, two teaspoons before the first meal, and the same amount in the evening after the last meal. You will notice intense coughing in the period after you start consuming the drug. It is because your lungs will begin to clean up and throw out toxins accumulated on their walls.