9 ways to naturally make your pores smaller

The pores in the skin tend to enlarge when the sebaceous glands get clogged up. They leave the complexion looking blemished and uneven, making you look older than you are.

But, there is no need to worry! Here are 9 ways to make your pores smaller in an all-natural way!

1. Almond Mask
Almonds are packed with fatty acids that strengthen the skin and moisturize the pores. To make your own almond mask, grind a cup of almonds into a fine powder, and then mix it with three tablespoons of water to create a paste.  Apply the mask onto the face, leave it on for twenty minutes, and rinse off thoroughly.

2. Honey Mask
Honey has strong anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties that fight enlarged pores and promote skin health.

Mix equal amounts of honey and oatmeal to create a mask. Apply onto the face and let it work for about fifteen minutes.  Rinse it off thoroughly!

3. Medicinal clay mask
Medicinal clay acts as potent anti-inflammatory agent that fights off excess sebum, acne and zits.

Mix the clay with some water and honey to create a thick paste. Apply to the face and leave it on for about half an hour before rinsing it off.

4. Whey Mask
The lactic acid in this mask exfoliates the skin and removes dead skin cells while the protein content and the antioxidant properties slow down the aging process. Apply the mask onto the face and leave it on for about twenty minutes.

5. Tomato Mask
Tomatoes are high in calcium, a nutrient with purifying properties.  Tomato juice works great when it comes to reducing redness and alleviating inflammation.

Apply tomato juice to the face using a cotton swab. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it off with cold water.

6. Papaya Mask
This fruit is packed with minerals like magnesium and potassium.  It is pretty high in vitamins too, which helps fight zits and blackheads.

To treat enlarged pores with this tropical fruit, rub the inside of the fruit on the face, leave it on for about fifteen minutes, and rinse if off thoroughly afterwards.

7. Cucumber Mask
The enzymes and water content of cucumbers promote skin cell regeneration as well as treatment of oily skin, dryness and redness.

Peel and slice the cucumber and the mix it with two tablespoons of cornstarch. Apply onto the face and let it work for about fifteen minutes. Apply a moisturizer after rinsing the mask off.

8. Egg, Lemon and Oat Mask
Egg whites keep the skin strong while the lemon juice removes excess sebum and dries out the zits.  For this DIY mask, beat an egg until foamy and combine it with two tablespoons of lemon juice. Stir in the oatmeal and mix until smooth.  Apply to the face, let it work for a few minutes, and wash it off thoroughly.

9. Baking Soda
Baking soda works great for acne, blemishes and other skin problems thanks to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

Mix equal amounts of baking soda and water, and massage the mixture on the face.  Rinse it off after twenty minutes.