St. John’s Wort, The Natural Antidepressant. That’s How You Should Prepare It

The herb of San Juan also known as the flower of joy, hypericum, Hyperion, Grass of the Fairies or St. John’s Wort, was already used in antiquity and different peoples gave different symbolism to this plant with yellow flowers.

The doctor of Emperor Nero used it as an antidote against poisoning, the Germans believed that it was “light carrier” because its flower resembles the sun’s rays, but the Christians came to call it St. John’s Wort, because it flourished on the 24th of June, St. John’s Day and they attributed greater powers during those days.

Already in the Middle Ages, San Juan’s herb was used as a psychotherapeutic remedy and the people who took advantage of its benefits said that it kept the Devil away and exorcised the demons.

Each could give a particular symbology that today may even sound funny, but obviously, people in ancient times already knew that the Herb of San Juan had certain properties that could influence the mood of the people.

Today we can know a little more about the benefits of this medicinal plant and we are going to tell you how good it is to use in very specific cases.

Properties of St. John’s Wort.

Internal use:
– Astringent

– Antiseptic

– Analgesic

– Anti-inflammatory

– Antispasmodic

– Sedative

– Ansiolítico

– Antioxidant

– Antiviral

External use:
– Healing.

– Antiseptic

– Analgesic

– Anti-inflammatory

The uses we can give to this wonderful herb are varied. Let’s see the main ones.

– Menopause disorders (hot flashes, palpitations

– Premenstrual syndrome

– Toothaches

– Digestive

– It enhances sleep quality

– Relieves muscular pains

– Relieves bruises

– Heals burns

The Flower of Joy
But perhaps the main attribute of St. John’s Wort is that it seems to have an effective antidepressant effect and, what is more important, no side effects.

Are you going through a depression? Why not try this natural remedy?

If your problem is shyness, you are depressed or have an obsessive-compulsive disorder, St. John’s wort can help you overcome these situations.

When we have an organic problem it is easier to ask for help or advice, but when it comes to moods or we are immersed in negative thoughts that we can not get out of our heads, it is harder for us to talk and we do not know what to do.

St. John’s wort has a positive effect in the treatment of stress, mild depression, psychosomatic disorders, anxiety and sleep disorders.

And all these benefits are concentrated in the flower, which contains a substance called hyperforin, which normalizes the neurotransmitters that intervene in mood swings; plus other components such as tannins, essential oils, resins, phenolic acids and flavonoids that act as sedatives and antidepressants.

How to prepare this natural antidepressant?

Infusion: In 150 ml of boiling water, place ½ tablespoon of dried flowers of St. John’s Wort and let stand for 5 minutes. Strain.

We recommend taking it during meals to avoid gastric disorders.

Drink a cup at noon and another at night.

In the treatment of depressions, you must have between 2 and 4 weeks of treatment to feel the effects.

In the doses indicated, the Herb of San Juan should not generate side effects, but it is important to know that they should not use pregnant or breastfeeding women, as well as people who are taking various medications, contraceptives, Alzheimer’s patients, children 10 years old or those who suffer from bipolar disorder.