How to Detect Fake Honey (It’s Everywhere), Just Use This Simple Trick

Honey, the product of laborious bees, is undoubtedly one of the healthiest foods on Earth, offering innumerable health benefits.

It can be used in the treatment of various diseases and health conditions. However, there are numerous types of fake honey on the market, labeled as organic, which are offered at low prices.

According to the results of the research conducted by Food Safety News, over 76% of all honey sold in the markets has infiltrated.

This process removes all impurities from honey, including traces of pollen and wax.

It is said that infiltration is important to prolong the useful life of the product and avoid crystallization, but also eliminates many benefits to the health of honey.

Apparently, it serves to hide the geographical origin of honey. Chinese producers have contaminated honey with antibiotics and illegal metals in order to import it.

This is why we should all avoid that honey because, in the case of pollen contamination, it is essential to trace and analyze the origin of the product.

Here are several ways that can help detect false honey:

– If honey does not crystallize with time, it is false.

– add a tablespoon of honey to a glass of water, and if it melts, it is false.

– Add a few drops of vinegar to a glass of water and add a little honey. If honey begins to foam, it is a clear sign that it has been adulterated with plaster.

-Burn with phosphorus or a match. If it is on, it is a pure and organic honey.

-Add a little honey and a few drops of iodine in a glass of water. If the honey color turns blue, it has been mixed with cornstarch.

-Read the product label correctly. If it contains high fructose corn syrup or commercial glucose, avoid it.

Also, when buying honey, follow these tips:
-Some types of honey are rich in low-quality mead or mixed with glucose.
-McDonald’s honey and KFC contain no pollen.
-Honey sold to CVS Pharmacy and Walgreen’s contains no pollen.
-Over 77% of the honey sold at Costco, Target and Sam’s Club is pollen-free.
-Honey Winnie the Pooh, which is sold at Walmart, contains no pollen.
-To capture all the benefits of honey, always choose pure organic, which contains pollen and offers innumerable health benefits.