Despite the nutritional guideline recommendations, the mounting evidence has instructed Americans to avoid soy and soy milk because they can seriously harm people’s health. Actually, soy milk can do more harm than good to your health.
Its ingredients are one of the most important reasons why you should stay away from it.
Soy milk contains: Soymilk (Whole Soybeans, Filtered Water), Sea Salt, Cane Sugar, Natural Flavor, Carrageenan, Calcium Carbonate, Vitamin D2, Vitamin B12, Vitamin A Palmitate, and Riboflavin (B2).
Other reasons why you should avoid soy milk:
1. Soybeans are high in natural toxins or “antinutrients”. Just two glasses of soy milk on a daily basis can alter a woman’s menstrual period.
2. It is found that soy can increase the body’s need for vitamin D and vitamin B12.
3. Soybeans are packed with haemagglutinin, a substance that causes clots and clumps the red blood cells.
4. Almost 99 percent of soy is GMO, and it contains high amounts of pesticides than any other food.
5. Soybeans and other soy products are high in phytic acid which prevents the assimilation of magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron and copper.
6. Soy foods have a high amount of toxic aluminum, which seriously affects the kidneys, nervous system and even causes Alzheimer’s disease.
7. Soy is packed with a compound similar to vitamin B12 which the body find it difficult to process. So, soy products can lead to B12 deficiency.
8. During processing, the fragile soy proteins are subjected to high temperatures to make them protein isolate and textured vegetable proteins. In this way, they become difficult and dangerous to digest.
9. Soy has toxic isoflavones, genistein, and daidzein which can promote breast cancer growth.
10. Soy is loaded with plant estrogens, the so-called phytoestrogens which can disrupt endocrine function, lead to breast cancer and infertility.
Carrageenan in Soy Milk
According to many scientific studies, food-grade carrageenan can lead to lesions, ulcerations, inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract and even colon cancer in the laboratory animals.
Also, current studies conducted by the American Diabetes Association have connected the consumption of this carrageenan to insulin resistance and glucose intolerance.