*How To Expel At Least 9 Kilos Of Waste Trapped in The Colon and Leave It Completely Empty Naturally.*

Undoubtedly, Thanks to this we can obtain the necessary nutrients to have the energy to carry out the other activities. Now, not everything we eat is used by the body, so apart is discarded.

When fed, the digestive process separates nutrients from waste. Once the separation is made, the body keeps the nutrients and the waste sends them to the colon. Although this body serves to “take out the garbage”, its function is very important.

If the colon does not work well, the body will begin to store the waste. This can cause an internal poisoning that leads to death itself. That is why it is so important that we take care of the colon and be attentive to its functioning.

aaaaa Throughout our lives, the body processes 100 tons of food and 40 thousand liters of liquids. This means that around 7 kilos of waste accumulate in the intestine. If it is not ejected correctly, it can cause serious damage to the body and intoxicate the blood. As a result, we can get very sick.

When we do not have a healthy and clean intestine, we can have several symptoms. Some of them are frequent constipation, diabetes, slow metabolism, weight gain, kidney diseases, visual and hearing problems, skin problems, arthritis, hair and nail problems and even arthritis. Below, we will list several reasons to want to cleanse your colon.

Reasons to cleanse the colon:

Improves digestion: many times we feel heaviness due to the accumulation of waste in the uterus. But when cleaning the colon, all debris will be expelled correctly.

Avoid constipation: the accumulation of waste obstructs the passage of fecal matter. Therefore, when cleaning it, we can easily expel the waste. To do this, we can drink a lot of water and have a diet rich in fiber.

It promotes the absorption of nutrients: when cleaning the colon, we release the blood capillaries of all the garbage that prevents them from absorbing the nutrients correctly. As a result, we will have better health and we will take better advantage of the food.

Improve mood: remember that the colon releases toxins that enter the bloodstream. These toxins play a very important role in your mood. Therefore, if your colon is healthy, you will feel much better.

Reduces the risk of colon cancer: when the colon is blocked, there is a greater chance of developing colon cancer.

Balance the PH: when your colon is clean, stop releasing substances that increase the acidity of the body.

Promotes weight loss: by cleaning the body, you will make better use of the nutrients in your food. In addition, you can easily eliminate waste from the body. This will help you lose weight quickly and without much effort.

What we will need:

-Lemon juice (1 unit).
-Aloe (1 penis)
-Honey (optional).

Preparation and use:
The first step is to peel the aloe to stay alone with the crystal. We recommend that you wear gloves for this job and try not to stick it on your clothes so it does not get dirty. Now, wash the gel to remove the drool that covers it.

Now, in a blender, you should put the lemon juice, the honey and the glass of aloe. Mix everything very well until you get a homogeneous substance. This powerful beverage should be consumed twice every 24 hours a day.

Aloe and lemon will cleanse your colon of all bacteria and toxic waste. On the other hand, it will help to heal the intestinal mucosa, relieve pain, inflammation and much more. Therefore, we recommend that you prepare and consume this beverage as soon as possible. If your friends may be interested in this information, share it on your social networks.