From a personal experience we all know the insidious headache and that’s why this advice won’t leave you indifferent
Head massage – a way of improving the blood flow in the critical zone, releasing from stress is also a way of decreasing the pain.
We suggest you a method that will sometimes help you more than pills.
Massage with a towel – an efficient way of influence on the blood flow in the areas of head and neck which helps to remove the pain.
Besides, head massage is a very pleasant procedure.
How to do the therapeutic massage with the help of a towel:
– Choose the right towel – it shouldn’t be too thick. Roll in a pretty tight roll using spiral movements.
Press the towel on the back of your head well. Hold it with your both hands from the different sides, but tightly.
Move the towel up on your head, down your neck and shoulders. Do it rhythmically, unrolling the towel gently so that the massage is intensive enough.
This procedure should last 3-5 minutes – this kind of simulations will be enough to alleviate your headache. If the pain didn’t decrease, take a 10 minute break and repeat the massage.
Manual therapists consider that the most common cause for headaches is a spasm. The spiral massage with a towel relaxes the zone around the neck and the head, works on eliminating the spasm, has a positive effect on the clamped vertebrae in the area of the neck.
Massaging the head in strong headaches is good to be combined with some additional therapy: have a cup of mint tea which will affect your blood vessels to widen. The pain will disappear soon!