These days, the majority of people are dealing with some health issues because of their poor food choices. From time to time, we all want to try junk food, sweets, and processed foods, right?
However, we should do this in moderation since the regular and excessive consumption of these processed foods can lead to various health complications which eventually will result in some serious diseases.
So, in order to protect our health and prevent many diseases, our diet should consist of foods that are packed with nutrients like vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytochemicals.
All of these can create optimal health and an environment in which a disease can’t thrive. Include these 10 foods in your daily diet, and trust me you will live a quality life full of energy and free of illnesses and diseases!
Here Are 10 Foods You Should Eat Regularly
1. Green Tea
Many studies proved that green tea has many health benefits and an ability to prevent various diseases.
The effectiveness of green tea is due to the catechins found in the leaves of this tea. Catechins are antioxidants that can fight against illness and disease.
Green tea can provide amazing results when it comes to weight loss. The catechin EGCG speeds up your metabolism. This is the reason why green tea is included in numerous weight loss programs.
2. Almonds
Almonds are said to be one of the healthiest foods ever! If you want to include healthier foods in your daily diet, almonds should be your first choice!
They are packed with heart-healthy oleic acid that is extremely beneficial for our overall health, especially our memory. Almonds also have a high content of protein and fiber.
3. Blueberries
Blueberries have high antioxidant activity and are on the list of super-healthy foods. They have the ability to prevent heart disease and cancer.
The berry has a blue color that comes from the polyphenols which provide most of its antioxidant properties. Blueberries are also rich in fiber and vitamin C.
4. Bell Peppers
Bell Peppers come in numerous different colors, including green, orange, red, and purple. In fact, each of them is very beneficial in their own way.
Bell peppers in general are an excellent source of vitamin C and vitamin E, both known for their ability to protect our health.
Their regular consumption can reduce your risk of chronic inflammation that occurs as a result of the excessive consumption of processed foods.
5. Yogurt
Greek yogurt contains more protein and less natural sugar Lactose compared to the regular yogurt. It is known for its high nutritional value.
To be more specific, only 1 cup has almost 25% of your daily requirement of calcium. This means better health and lost body fat. Yogurt is also packed with beneficial bacteria that can relieve the inflamed digestive tracts and boost your immune system.
6. Avocado
Healthy fat is very important for your overall health, including your mood and weight loss. Avocados contain monounsaturated fat that can improve the cholesterol and reduce triglycerides (fats) in your blood.
In other words, you will have a reduced risk of stroke and heart disease.
7. Quinoa
Quinoa is a complete protein! It is beneficial for everyone, particularly for vegetarians. It contains more fiber and twice as much protein as brown rice.
Well, quinoa even cooks just like rice. Due to its high content of fiber, protein, and healthy fat, this super-healthy food can balance your blood sugar, which aids in weight loss and improves your health in general.
8. Apples
In comparison with other fruits that are commonly consumed in the US, apples take the second place on the list of foods with highest antioxidant activity.
Many of these antioxidants are found in the apple’s peel, so make sure not to peel the apple and buy organic.
Although apples contain only 2-3 grams of fiber, half of this is pectin, which is known for its incredible effect on our health. Apples are extremely beneficial for heart and brain health, diabetes, stroke, diabetes, and even cancer.
9. Spinach
Spinach is abundant with beta-carotene, a powerful antioxidant that can fight and prevent heart disease and cancer. It contains essential phytochemicals such as lutein, known for its ability to prevent age-related macular degeneration.
This dark, leafy green is also a great source of Lipoic acid, which helps vitamins E and C regenerate. Because of this, lipoic acid plays an important role in regulating blood sugar levels.
Spinach is also packed with omega-3 fats. This veggie is of utmost importance for our overall health!
10. Eggs
Eggs are low in calories and are an excellent source of protein, healthy fat, and vital nutrients. It is scientifically shown that people who replaced carbohydrates with eggs for breakfast, managed to lose 65% more weight compared to others.
Eggs have a high content of protein, so they can balance blood sugar, and help in the building of muscle.