Besides smokers, there are also some people who never lighted a cigarette, but they still have problems with lungs. You can use this recipe and make your lungs be brand new. You will need just three days for that. Here’s how you can do it:
Two days before this treatment stop consuming all dairy products. In the evening hours, before the first day of treatment you need to drink one cup of herbal tea. This will help your bowels to remove all the toxins from the organism. It is very important for lungs not to be overwhelmed by the process.
The Procedure:
Take the lemon juice from two lemons and mix it with 300 ml of water. Drink this before breakfast.
Between breakfast and lunch, drink 300 ml fresh carrot juice. This will improve your blood stream.
During lunch, drink 400 ml of juice rich with kale. Kale is great for lungs to cleanse.
Recipe for Juice:
Put 350 g parsnip, 350 g green peppers, 200 g watercress and 350 g cucumbers in a juicer. You should get about 400 ml of veggie juice.
Also, drink 400 ml of cranberry juice before bedtime.
During these three days, you should also exercise a lot and sleep enough. You can even make a hot bath and enjoy in it for at least 20 minutes.
It may all sound demanding, but it is pretty easy and you will enjoy in it.